Pastor's Fellowship for IBC's

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Just a thought

For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? (1 Corinthians 3:4)

Us & Them: Recently while watching the confirmation hearings of Justice Alito I was reminded of the partisanship that is so strong in our country. Both parties have strongly held beliefs of what is most important to them and supposedly the country. It is a wonderful process of free speech and positive tension that holds our country and it's leaders in check. It is also somewhat of a sad event for me to watch. The greatest country in the world publicly arguing over matters; some important, while others are trivial. There is certainly a sense of "us against them". Gratefully, at the end of the day, and especially during times of crisis, we are all simply Americans!

We also see the "us against them" mentality in the annual Army-Navy Game. This brutal competition between the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York (Army) and United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland (Navy) is one of the most traditional and enduring rivalries in sports. Last years win by Navy gave them their 50th victory. Though both teams battlecry is "Beat Army" or "Beat Navy" at the end of the game both teams stand together as their alma maters are played showing mutual respect and solidarity.

Many early believers had a problem with the us and them mentality, too. The church of Corinth seemed to focus on what made them different over what united them. One followed Paul’s model of ministry while another looked to Apollos. Now it appears that God was not against their unique methods. But He was against their divisive actions. Ultimately Paul took these believers back to Christ, Who is the rallying point for everyone of us. I am thankful for our National President, Pastor Bill Monroe, who has kept his focus on the 20 Articles of the Faith, the DNA that holds us all together.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Emotional Ups and Downs

Just A Thought
Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. (Romans 12:15)
Fridays are great days for most people. TGIF is cheered as many have completed their hard work and are ready to relax. Weekends are what our society lives for! And with the hectic schedule that so may lead, they deserve a break. When a pastor thinks of Friday, it seems his thoughts can be quite different. This is when things start really picking up for ministry. People have needs and often weekends are the time that meeting those needs takes place. This is wonderful for a pastor! His calling is to shepherd and comfort and counsel. His passion is to care for the flock that God has placed in his care. And as exciting as this is, it can be a very draining task.
Recently I was sharing with someone about ministry and stated that one of the reasons ministry is so challenging is because of the tremendous highs and lows that the ministry offers. God calls all Christians to rejoice and weep with others, but this is especially true for the pastor. We could be involved in a wedding ceremony in one part of the day and be conducting a funeral service later in the day. Someone may call us and share with us the wonderful things that God is doing in their life then later we receive a phone call about a serious illness or a family facing severe relational problems. The great highs and lows of ministry can be very draining to our emotions. Certainly God calls us to cast our cares upon Him and to wait on Him to keep from becoming weary, but most of us can face physical and emotional weariness at one time or another. As one pastor told me, "I am not tired of the work, but I do get tired in the work."
As you think of your weekend coming up, thank God for the opportunities to serve. Pastors would not be able to fulfill their calling if people did not have needs! Enjoy the wonderful blessings and enter into the trials of those God has placed in your midst, fulfill His plan as you use your heart, emotions and feelings to theire fullest extent! Thank God that you can have joy and that you can shed a tear, maybe in the same day or even in the same hour.